What the Hell, Sarah Palin?
That's been a long standing question for me, but last night I heard she's ready to go to the mat for the right to life with the Teabaggers. How dare you. If a single American makes the decision that they don't want to be parent, that it's part of the problem, that the time is not right, or that for any other reason that their pregnancy should be terminated within the confines of the law, YAY! Now that's an old arguement, but I'm stressing the "American" in this case because no other country will generate a population that is so wasteful and resource intensive throughout the duration of their lifetime. What is it with this middle class notion that you have a "God given" right to have 2.5 kids and a house? What is this sense of entitlement and ownership? I'd even say the government is going way too far to support this ongoing, unsustainable fiction. Biodiversity is globally decreasing and species are becoming extinct due to diminishing resources. Extinction is everywhere & increasing at an alarming rate, but the cult of motherhood/babymaking is overpowering the logical thought process of survival of species. Just as well, maybe.
I'm not just talking out of my ass here. I have a friend from Niger, and he has six kids. However, I know all his kids, in their entire lives, will consume less resources than I already have and I'm not much of a consumer. They are part of a nomadic tribe, they carry their worldly possessions with them and they hope to one day complete the well they started drilling. And when my friend is here, he misses home.
I am an Aunt. I like kids & I love my Nephew dearly and there is nothing I would not do for him, but if there is even one American who decides parenthood is not for them, leave it alone for fuck's sake. I have friends with children and without and I love 'em all. It's a personal, ethical & lifestyle decision that each person lives with. I do not want to really get into the other obvious and numerous contradictions of pro-life v. less taxation, cuts to TANF, childcare issues, housing issues, unemployment, overpopulation, institutionalized poverty, institutionalized racism, fuel deficiency, financial collapse, child abuse rates, etc., so I won't, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how weak and short sighted the arguement is. I'm just sorry that feminism has not evolved enough for American women to feel "whole" without producing a child from their own womb. The feminist proposal that women can be educated, do "anything" and be independent falls terribly flat when society continues to perpetuate, spoken or unspoken, the outdated and sexist belief that women without children are damaged, faulty, undesireable, selfish or are otherwise simply "old maids". Women have an inherent worth as humans, not just baby machines. Weak! We can do better for our women, Sarah. Move forward, damn it.
If I had more time, I'd take Meg Whitman to task, but I'm busy right now.
Update: May 16, 2010
the link at the top has some righteous strippers at a Sarah Palin look a like contest. hey. just in case you wanted to see...
Labels: biodiversity, children, feminism, Fucking Weak, mass extinction, pro choice, Pro Life, Sarah Palin
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