Let's Go To Jail
I loved that movie.
However, this is not about a movie. I just can't understand why Paris didn't use a driver. Her cars are very nice, and probably really fun to drive, but she can SO afford a driver. I just don't get that kind of hubris. I am so glad the media is using its "news" and technological resources to follow her saga. I cannot take the allegation that she's suicidal seriously. Narcissists do not want to die.
I think all those people stuck at JFK due to a "computer glitch" are stoked by the energy put behind this Paris thing. Fortunately for them, they will have hours and hours to sit and watch it. I also think it's great that this failure of the system to have any balls hasn't started a race riot. Seriously. Are there too many super rich white girls in county lock up?
I think it's excellent that she went back to jail crying "momma" and all. I much prefer George Michael's approach to celebrity. Last week, prior to his sentencing, he said:
"Me, I don't want any children, I don't want responsibility. I am gay, I smoke weed and I do exactly what I want in my life because of my talent. I represent an ideal which others have had to let go and they blame me for that. Especially men."
I also like that he isn't afraid to take a nap in his nice car. I wish I were gay, responsibility free, smoking weed and talented. Two out of 4 ain't bad...Kudos George Michael!!!
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