Friday of Love. Angel. Money. Babies.
Who doesn't like a Friday w/ no responsibility to anyone but yourself? I gave myself the day off and frankly, I can't remember doing anything of import. I'll do it again in a heartbeat.
Yesterday another Auntie showing me the capricous nature of wearing the cute, but potentially very embarassing pleated micro mini (barely a pussy cover) at the market. Her look was impeccable right up until that little foot went inches astray. I do declare she's a true gambling woman. Only the cameras looming above and I saw her well covered junk.
Speaking of little feet and junk, the BUGABOO "Frog" is the ultimate whip of strollers. This is what "my baby's Parents" have. These parents don't have money. It's also the kind Gwen Stefani has. She does have money. Topping out at $700.00+, I'm slightly offended. It's insane how much cash the baby industry pulls down. Seriously. If I could bottle "Nothing's too good for my baby." I would not be here or writing this. It's my dream car but in stroller form. I will say it CAN do a lot of different, convenient things when it's getting used, but I can't help but think it's more of a status symbol than a necessary item. Besides helping the baby to stop its screaming and yelping, the Frog model boasts a neat zip off feature for completely self contained diaper changes, but maybe every expensive stroller has that. Sidebar: Please believe me, I downloaded a circa 1996 Nokia into my diaper when I found out they have ANOTHER stroller. A travel stroller and THAT'S not a cheap one either. I figured they were all, by virtue of definition, for travel.
So really this kid has two whips and I drive a hatchback. You know, I'm not above holding a grudge against a baby. It seems to me the really expensive stuff for babies MIGHT earn its worth and its footprint with two or three kids, but an only child should be using top shelf items until they're 8 - 10 years old. And that's if it get used EVERY living and sleeping in it. After age 11 and a few family welding classes, the Parental Units should teach Jr. about soap box derby cars and the reuse of resources. Unless you wipe your ass w/ Benjamins, like Gwen Stefani.
Now that I've mentioned a Celebrity name, Monsters can often be soothed into sleep at best, or at least silence, w/ a little stroll to the magazine aisle to catch up on a little celebrity gossip. In the same way that babies like to watch other babies and kids play, I'm not immune from the innate desire to watch celebrities play. Adults and kids are interested in Britney and FedEx & Fergie II. MMMM...Fergilicious.
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