My Space Blogs...I don't believe it.
I keep hoping My Space will go away because I'm not in high school and I don't live in a dorm room, but I've been assured it's not going anywhere. I like to be lied to in person. I appreciate the effort of hand to hand combat. I don't know why I don't believe celebrities are actually writing their own blogs. Just a gut feeling. Anyone can open an account, for almost anything, using any name & start banging away @ the keys. That and it's on the Internet.
Anyway, after reading this, I do believe someone not all that on the ball is writing. Paris Hilton wants people to increase the peace for Britney? Please. That's like J Zee wanting me to give money to whatever cause he was talking about on MTV. Apparently, he recently JUST found out that Africa is full of poor people who need clean water. What? How about this: Go ahead and kick down a couple million in cash and I'll get "my part" back to you in my next paycheck. Charity starts @ home. A home w/ its own team of accountants and lawyers on retainer. When that's my home, you'll be the first to know.
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