The ULTIMATE Accessory du Jour
We all know THE hottest accessory is a human infant, celebrity or not. Amazingly, it's usurped the small dog. Did not see that coming. Please note how Paris Hilton isn't actually holding the baby. That's the ULTIMATE Aunt!! I'm a firm believer that sometimes the best thing you can do is just be there for the Parents. Open the door, heat up left overs, turn off the ringer on the phone, simple things. I've heard that both Paris and Britney are not the brightest bulbs, but this tells me different. Both look confident and comfortable in the decision to NOT have Paris hold the baby. There are just too many X Factors in that equation. Imagine the skyrocketing insurance rate, and impending lawsuit, of whatever retail venue Paris drops the baby in. Perilous 4 inch heels are for Moms who are CRAZY, not Aunts who are questionable. I mean, she's six feet tall and 115 lbs., the possibility of a squirming, 15 - 20 lb. baby overpowering her is very real...Unless she's been doing weight and endurance training...and that doesn't mean lifting your skirt all night. I think my fellow Aunties agree w/ me that this is another "Parental First". This may be the first and only time I've felt even the slightest kinship w/ Paris Hilton. You go girl. Don't EVER hold that baby! Though her DVF wrap dress is the PERFECT pattern for baby stains. Most sincere kudos. The baby does not have to be better groomed than the drone holding it & not all babies are cute.
LOLA Creme Lipstick in SLAM is a hot pick for the holidays. It's even, smooth application, even over lip balm, is great. There's a lot of pigment so it looks rich and the fairly matte formulation is sophisticated in a retro way. Lipgloss is hard to pull off with an armful of baby, so I'm giving this lipstick 5 poopy diapers! The highest rating there is. I'm actually pretty surprised by this impulse buy since I'm a tried and true MAC fan.
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