Head Spin, Tail Spin
Hmm. I've been busy. Incredible, I know. I met w/ a potential client yesterday. Let me say it was disturbing at best. Ok. The CLIENT was disturbing at best. I'm typically nervous in these situations, but this guy was nervous, troubled &/or wired off the charts. It's probably the only time I had to assert the law to protect myself. Well, I've acted like a nurse, a sales person, a therapist and a lawyer, so maybe this is just the first time I invoked the law at an initial consultation. It's a sad day when I'm NOT the weakest link. Actually, the more I look around these days, it's not so clear that I'm the weakest link. My credit card debt doesn't even break $1200.00, and that was spent on flights, not gratuitous stuff I don't need, so I'm thinking that the U.S. Government has outed themselves as a corrupt chain of weak links. Yay!! I'm no longer the weakest link. Now it's just my government and their reckless lack of financial regard for the people. It's good that I know how to be poor & I'm not afraid of it, because it looks like that's the general direction we're headed for. And yes, to the best of my abilities, I'll TRY to instill these values in my Nephew. That's what kinda burns me about people born into money. They can slum it for as long as they want, but they always have that money to return to. No returning to money when there wasn't any to start w/.
Have I told you I'm a springboard to success? If you've dated me, you're very likely to have completed law school or at least a post grad degree, moved out of the state and met yourself a nice, less volatile, gal who enjoys the shit out of her day job. I reckon I'm occasionally a handful that makes one want to strive to put as much distance between me and thee both geographically and socio-economically. Let me stress that there is no real enmity as far as I know. I got my pound of flesh, so I'll just call that a draw. And I don't have energy to nurse a grudge like I used to. I believe the grown up term is "moved on". I would provide references, but I don't believe in beating any LONG dead horses. Also don't have time for that. This is a true story.
Labels: counterfeit designer sunglasses, date me, fence, ice, new client, self representation, speed, spring board to success, weak link, weird
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