Concealed Wednesday
Wednesdays I'm tired and mentally unavailable. Some Wednesdays, an Aunt could be hungover, or look like she is. I don't have endless hours to spend applying make up, but I will cop to having days, or events, when a little concealer is warranted. I am giving a Make Up Thumbs Up to Benefit's Realness of Concealness palette. It's small and it has more than enough covering, plumping, lifting and highlighting type products inside. Winner. It even has a mirror in the lid. Neat. However, after a test run, other Aunts informed me of its inappropriateness for very fair skin. Duly noted.
Speaking of concealing, our baby will be concealed from Fergie. In a word: Grotesque. From Kids, Inc. to The
Dutchess, her body of work is generally deplorable. Any suggestion of Fergie being the next Gwen Stefani is ridiculous. This is more of a statement about what Fergie is not than what Gwen Stefani is. Both look like they're ready to just fellate anyone in the front seat of a car and call it a day.
The good news is our months of watching Aqua Teen DVD's with our Baby will be rewarded with the ATHF Movie. He might be the youngest Carl ever.
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