I Use What I Gots
I found out the perfect teething food is cold corn on the cob. Cold, chewable, sweet, durable. It's in my home. And when the day is done, I can compost it. I like to keep things simple.
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I found out the perfect teething food is cold corn on the cob. Cold, chewable, sweet, durable. It's in my home. And when the day is done, I can compost it. I like to keep things simple.
If you are alone in a room and you kill someone, go to trial. Don't take the deal. There is a reasonable possibility you might get off. If you have enough money to support a trial, go to trial. It's all based on reasonable doubt and there's a lot of that.
We all know football is no good for toddlers after seeing that kid get his clock ROCKED on TV but now we know Japanese gameshows and break dancing aren't good either. BTW, if that kid didn't sustain any damage from that skull crushing mishap, worrying about kids hitting their heads is like worrying about Pablo Escobar not being able to score himself some blow.
I don't really care either way about the Akon/14 year old Pastor's daughter thing, because it seems pretty obvious both parties have been there before, but I do like the funny comments on this blog. Any blog w/ comments starting with, "reck di punani", is a must read. Her stripper heels (Those are some very hot shoes, if I don't say so myself.), amazing ability to withstand vigorous freaking and tramp stamp make me feel she's not a victim, or at least as much of a victim as anyone else on that stage.
I am not at all surprised that this broad was attacked by a raccoon. She was asking for it. And it all happened in Florida. California has it's own weird rep, but Florida outshines Cali by FAR in the filthy with ignorance sort of way.
What's up Michigan? Your cops are weed stealing losers.
If it ever comes up, teach kids to ALWAYS put their money on the Kangaroo and to respect animals. If you put boxing gloves on a kangaroo, it might use them. Did you see how buff a kangaroo is? When animals attack and there are no guns involved, they win. Tell them. Do it for the Children.
Howdy Aunts and Uncles,
SEU JORGE (from The Life Aquatic)
You're welcome.
Your Favorite Aunt
I'm always hoping the world can become a better place. If not for me, then for the next generation. You can imagine how angry I am when I hear a bunch of noise that's not relevant to an actual news story. Angry Aunt. The Virginia Tech shooter and the guy who blew up Bay Bridge "news reports" are filthy with irrelevance. Getting in my face w/ things like "He's an alien from South Korea." or "He's had a history of arrests." are nothing but lame attempts to explain the unexplainable in the most divisive ways. The American "right to know" is offensive at this point. They're still brow beating Aruba? That shit happens. It just does. Succinct answers about why bad things happen and what traits cause them are hard to come by. Propaganda is not news, no matter how much we want it to be. Divisive information that tries to assign blame isn't going to bring people together. It just makes us collectively and sadly less accepting of the differences between us.